Your mission is your brand statement. It defines what your organization stands for and the impact you want to have on the world. Mission statements focus on the present, arc across all levels of the organization, and explain what your organization is meant to do. The mission statement is the foundation for the rest of the MSPOT plan.
Strategies are creating an action plan for your mission. The actions you decided on in the mission step are further broken down into smaller, obtainable goals. For example, if your mission includes “we will help people find the best local honey,” then this step would include how you intend to help people find the best local honey. Will you network with local beekeepers? Will you set up an independent lab to test for quality? The strategy step is for outlining what steps you need to take.
Plays (or Projects)
This step is the playbook for your strategies. Marketing campaigns, brainstorm sessions, product launches, and networking events are some examples. Projects should support your mission and help fulfill the strategies laid out in the previous step. These are the initiatives that are priorities to your mission.
The omission step is where you eliminate that which won’t serve your mission. Projects, initiatives, strategies, and plans that aren’t an absolute priority should be eliminated. Omitting nonessential projects not only shifts focus to more pressing matters but also helps with budgeting by cutting unnecessary costs.
Targets are the measurable criterion you set to reach your goals. Metrics should be realistic, trackable, and reliable. Key metrics should always be tied to your mission and reachable by following your strategies & plays. Setting unattainable targets can cause employees to quickly feel burnt out by not being able to reach them. Instead, set realistic targets that bolster your organization while inspiring action from employees. Targets are a measure of progress, so it may be necessary to update the metrics as goals are reached.
The objective of creating the MSPOT is to set focus and alignment across all levels of the organization, from the business owner to the part-time employee. It’s important to remember, however, that communication and teamwork are the foundation of all successful businesses. Understanding the art of people will help you find the best employees for your company. Having the right team doing the right work in the right place can make all the difference in the world.