5 Ways To Know Your Staff Is Loyal

On October 11, 2020

Loyalty is defined as a strong feeling of support or allegiance to a person, organization or cause.  But how can you measure loyalty in the workplace? Surprisingly, it is no longer measured in the longevity of tenure. How can you tell if your staff is loyal?

Some of the most influential business leaders of our time have said loyalty is a key factor in a successful business.  As Jeffrey Gitomer reminds us: “You don't earn #loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day-by-day.” --Jeffrey @gitomer #Leadership #SalesLeader Share on X

Loyalty is not blind devotion. It must be cultivated and earned.  Below are 5 ways to know your employees are loyal.

  1. Loyal employees can be taken at their word.  A loyal employee does what they say they will do when they say they will do it.  When they make a promise to deliver, they deliver.  These employees can be trusted with important projects and urgent deadlines.  
  2. Loyal employees have integrity.  Warren Buffet once famously said: “In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.” Loyal employees act in a way that is gracious.  They value honesty, mutual respect, and honor.  These employees can be trusted with your most valuable customers and your private information.
  3. Loyal employees root for the success of the team over personal glory.  A loyal employee wants those around them to succeed and know that a team is truly stronger when all parts are working together toward a common goal.  They know they will be recognized for their hard work and contribution, but value their teammates and want others to thrive as well. 
  4. Loyal employees look for, and share ways, the company can improve.  No one understands a company or its processes and procedures better than the employee who works within the system.  A loyal employee looks for ways a company can save time, money, and resources and shares those ideas with leadership, and there is a real business case for why that leads to the success of the company. 
  5. Loyal employees support you publicly.  As Dharmesh Shah, founder of HubSpot wrote, when asked about employee loyalty: After a decision is made, loyal employees get behind that decision even if they privately disagree. And they don’t just pay the decision lip service; they support the decisions as if they were their own. A truly loyal employee puts aside his feelings and actively tries to make every decision the right decision – instead of willing it to fail so they can prove themselves right.”

Cathy Benko, chief talent officer at Deloitte, said this when asked about the question of loyalty by the New York Times:

“A longtime employee who is also productive and motivated is of enormous value.  On the other hand,” she said, “You can be with a company a long time and not be highly engaged.” 

Ms. Benko has seen her company shift its focus to employees’ level of engagement — or “the level at which people are motivated to deliver their best work” — rather than the length of service.

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Jamie Quickert
Passionate about people and outstanding customer experiences, Jamie helps our clients uncover the ways to best surprise and delight their customers.

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