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What does RevOps mean?

What does RevOps mean?

 If you’re anything like me, odds are the first time you stumbled on the term RevOps you probably gave it little thought and moved on about your day. Maybe the third or fourth time you rolled your eyes a bit. 🙄 More jargon? Who needs it? But at some point, it...

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Better than the boys club

Better than the boys club

International Women's Day takes on new meaning for me this year. As I look back on what will be one year of coronavirus shutdowns, quarantine, and worldwide disruption, I'm exhausted, discouraged, and overwhelmed. I also know that I'm not alone. Women, in particular,...

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Women’s health matters

Women’s health matters

For those of you familiar with my work, you’ve probably noticed that I seldom ever write in the first person for work. I try to write my content from a neutral stance so that it is informative without bias. For International Women’s Day, though, I decided to shift the...

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