Four Things To Consider When Reworking Your Marketing Plan

On August 20, 2020

Over the last few months, COVID-19 has changed how the entire world operates. From grocery shopping to family gatherings, we are still accepting our new normal. The virus is continuing to spread, so it’s become clear that it’s here to stay for at least a little while. That means it’s imperative for businesses to rethink their marketing plan. Many marketing plans created at the beginning of the year are no longer viable. Today, we’ll discuss things to keep in mind while creating a new strategy.

What Are You Offering?

reworking marking planThe pandemic has had a major impact on the economy. Recreational spending is low and essentials are being prioritized. Businesses & consumers alike are looking to save as much money as possible. Is your current portfolio of products & services in demand? Do you have areas where you can reallocate resources? Do you intend to make new changes permanent? Pivoting is often the key to keeping afloat during times of crisis.


How Will You Be Marketing?

reworking marking planBetween quarantine regulations, social distancing, and the increase of telecommuting, many people are spending more time at home. There has been a massive shift in the ways people consume marketing materials and it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. In-person marketing is at a staggering low, as trade shows are being canceled. People aren’t driving as much, which means they’re not listening to the radio as often. More people are active on social media and the internet in general. Are you using the most effective tools to reach your audience?

What Are Your Safety Measures?

reworking marking planCOVID-19 can live hours to days on surfaces and remain in the air for up to three hours. Customers are showing less brand loyalty and more interest in brands that are socially conscious. They will want to know what protocols you have in place to combat the spread of the virus. What safety measures are you taking? Are they easy to find and understand? Do you need to allocate more resources to ensure a safe, sanitary method of operation? Are you able to offer products and services digitally rather than in person?

How Are You Showing That You Care?

reworking marking planJohn Donne once said, “No man is an island.” That quote rings truer now than ever before. Despite the friendly competition between industries & individuals, it is imperative that people from all walks of life join together to face current challenges as one. COVID-19, economic challenges, environmental issues, and political unrest have all made for a very tumultuous time. Our new normal is unlike anything we’ve encountered before. It is important to communicate how your organization demonstrates they care about what’s happening in the world. Social responsibility is a key component to keep in mind when reworking your marketing plan. Being a socially responsible company can not only increase brand image but give back to the community & world at large. In addition, socially responsible companies are more likely to attract long-term partnerships, as well as loyal employees. Do you have a specific page on your site dedicated to your brand values? Does your company participate in local charities? Do you partner with other businesses and nonprofits to bolster your community?

Graziani Multimedia

Graziani Multimedia can help you create a new marketing plan for our new reality. Our digital marketing expertise can help your business succeed during this uncharted time. Schedule a free 15-minute call today to see how we can help you meet your digital marketing needs.

Lisa Stone
Graziani Multimedia's resident wordsmith. Her relentless dedication to research, mad coffee mastery, and word-slinging skills mean that all the content that she creates is enjoyable, engaging, and effective.

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