Our Blog

Better than the boys club

Better than the boys club

International Women's Day takes on new meaning for me this year. As I look back on what will be one year of coronavirus shutdowns, quarantine, and worldwide disruption, I'm exhausted, discouraged, and overwhelmed. I also know that I'm not alone. Women, in particular,...

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Women’s health matters

Women’s health matters

For those of you familiar with my work, you’ve probably noticed that I seldom ever write in the first person for work. I try to write my content from a neutral stance so that it is informative without bias. For International Women’s Day, though, I decided to shift the...

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#GirlBoss is more than a hashtag

#GirlBoss is more than a hashtag

A half a dozen years ago I sat in classes at a conference and listened to amazing female speakers from around the county and thought "Yes. This is what I want to do. I want to be the best there is. I want to be an expert in my field and I want to teach others."  I...

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