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5 Reasons Staff Loyalty Equals Success
Lynda Gratton, a workplace expert, proclaimed that workplace loyalty was dead. In a quote in The Financial Times, she said that loyalty had been “killed off through shortening contracts, outsourcing, automation, and multiple careers.” That seems very grim, but is it...
5 Ways To Know Your Staff Is Loyal
Loyalty is defined as a strong feeling of support or allegiance to a person, organization or cause. But how can you measure loyalty in the workplace? Surprisingly, it is no longer measured in the longevity of tenure. How can you tell if your staff is loyal? Some of...
Why Data is Important to Marketing
In order to grow your organization, you need to understand your customers, and data is invaluable to that understanding. Marketing is all about connecting to your customers. Finding where your customer base is, discovering what they’re interested in, and learning...
In Defense Of Comic Sans
When it comes to marketing, graphic design is of the utmost importance. Colors, shapes, and styles all have a psychological impact on how a brand is perceived. Branding, at its core, is a way to make a mental connection to a company in order to build customer loyalty...
Four Things To Consider When Reworking Your Marketing Plan
Over the last few months, COVID-19 has changed how the entire world operates. From grocery shopping to family gatherings, we are still accepting our new normal. The virus is continuing to spread, so it’s become clear that it’s here to stay for at least a little while....
Corporate Responses to Black Lives Matter: One Good and One Bad
Corporate responses to Black Lives Matter have become very common over the last few months. Some businesses aim to champion human rights throughout their supply chain. Other businesses, however, seem to promote human rights while operating in conflicting ways. By...
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